Eraflux: Gastroesophageal Reflux Score

By Dieter Menne (Menne Biomed Consulting, Tübingen) and Werner Schwizer (UniversitätsSpital Zürich)

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The Eraflux score was developed to quantify the severity of gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) in the clinical study EraFlux. The details of the score were not included in the publication. On this page, you can find a javascript-program to calculate the Eraflux score on-line. Details of the definition of the score used are given here.

The Eraflux score is also used in the current multicenter study ERASTRAT.

The Eraflux score has a value of 0 for no symptoms, and a maximum of 56.3 for daily very strong dysphagia. It is normalized such that a value of 25 and above is considered critical in our study context. The score includes four symptoms graded by severity; the overall score is the maximum of the partial symptom scores.


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