MedStat Stutter

Phantasies of a physicist fallen among physicians


Using vectors for indexed access to ragged arrays in Stan

volume ~ normal(
      v0[record] .* (1+ kappa[record] .* (minute ./ tempt[record])) .*
      exp(-minute ./ tempt[record]), sigma);

Fitting gastric emptying time series

Gastric volume times serie measured by MRI techniques can have an initial volume overshoot due to secretion. To estimate half-times and the degree of overshoot, the author of this blog has introduced the linexp function [@Fruehauf2011] with three parameters to complement the power exponential function used in earlier research [@Elashoff1982, @Elashoff1983b] with scintigraphic data.


v = v0* (1+t*kappa/tempt)*exp(-t/t_{empt})

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Time series from 13C breath test recordings are used as a surrogate indicator for gastric emptying. Gastric emptying half time t50 is computed by fitting the series with an exponential beta or a Gamma function. Often, records are too short to obtain stable estimates of the trailing par...

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